Sunday, November 20, 2005 : Headline : Matrox brings triple displays to laptops : Page - 1/1 : Headline : Matrox brings triple displays to laptops : Page - 1/1: "Here at HEXUS we love our multi-monitors. In fact, we scoff at single monitor configurations; why have one when you can have two... or three? Alas, dual screen monitors on laptops are, you might say, a little rare. You can, however, settle for using the laptop's TFT in conjunction with a secondary external TFT/CRT using the DVI/DSUB output of the laptop. Excellent, dual displays! Of course, the world has an insatiable appetite for more displays, so Matrox has devised a way of delivering tri-monitor capabilities to laptops."

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Google Analytics

Google Analytics: "Introducing Google Analytics.
Sophisticated. Easy. Free.

Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. You'll be able to focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver ROI, and improve your site to convert more visitors."

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Elias Torres » Google Base is nothing new, but…

Elias Torres » Google Base is nothing new, but…: "Google Base is nothing new, but…

If Google does it, everyone all of the sudden needs one. Again, I’m really not impressed by yet another todo list store, but instead by their RDF store which will be supporting this new service, BigTable (only a speculation). I remember when I was working on a prototype client application written in Sash/JavaScript that would use XMLHttpObject aka AJAX to access Intuit’s QuickBase web service (or GoogleBase) to do the same exact thing, except with a “thicker”* client, circa 2000 or 2001. If I remember correctly, it was/is an extremely ease to use REST interface for users to create custom tables to store any kind of information, very cool. The prototype never went anywhere, because who would have thought back then that you would want to store/access all that information via a web service. Then comes along Microsoft with .NET My Services and announces that it will provide storage for everyone in the world for things such as alerts, application settings, calendar, categories, contacts, devices, documents, favorite websites, inbox, lists, locations, presence, profile, services and wallet. But if you remember correctly everyone went up in arms saying that they would never store their information on MSFT servers, so Microsoft killed it. Now Google Base will be offering a very small subset of those services (with a very small intersection with HailStorm): party planning, current events, classified ads and protein structures and everyone is so excited like if it was the first time something of this kind was being offered."