What's New in Eclipse 3.2 Java Development Tools
by Ed Burnette
06/28/2006 Garibaldi: Have you ever tried one of these?
Miss Cramer: What is it?
Garibaldi: I'm not sure. According to the translator, it's either an aphrodisiac or a floor wax. I can't decide if it's worth the risk or not.
--Babylon 5, "Infection"
Eclipse is a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java programming. It can also be used as an environment for other languages like C++ and Ruby, as a framework for consolidating tools of any kind, and as a Rich Client Platform for creating desktop or server applications. The Eclipse open source community is responsible for dozens of projects, ranging from business intelligence to social networking. Eclipse is the name of the non-profit foundation that manages those projects, as well. (And, while I'm pretty sure it's not a floor wax, there is also an Eclipse automobile, a soccer team, and a brand of chewing gum.)
Eclipse version 3.2 forms the cornerstone of the Eclipse Callisto release train: a simultaneous release of ten Eclipse projects on June 30, 2006. This article will focus on the Eclipse IDE, in particular its Java Development Tools (JDT).
ONJava.com -- What's New in Eclipse 3.2 Java Development Tools