Thursday, April 27, 2006 | How to configure a low-cost load-balanced LAMP cluster | How to configure a low-cost load-balanced LAMP cluster: "How to configure a low-cost load-balanced LAMP cluster

Monday April 24, 2006 (02:01 PM GMT)

By: Keith Winston

The ubiquitous Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python (LAMP) combination powers many interactive Web sites and projects. It's not at all unusual for demand to exceed the capacity of a single LAMP-powered server over time. You can take load off by moving your database to a second server, but when demand exceeds a two-server solution, it's time to think cluster.

A LAMP cluster is not the Beowulf kind of cluster that uses specialized message-passing software to tackle a computation-intensive task. It does not cover high availability features, such as automatic failover. Rather, it is a load-sharing cluster that distributes Web requests among multiple Web and database servers while appearing to be a single server"

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