Tuesday, May 23, 2006

ONJava.com -- Wire Hibernate Transactions in Spring

Wire Hibernate Transactions in Spring
by Binildas Christudas

This article is intended to show how Spring can be used to assemble components, including their transaction contexts. Connecting to a single data store from within a J2EE application is not a big hurdle. But when it comes to assembly and integration of enterprise-class components, the scenario gets complicated.

ONJava.com -- Wire Hibernate Transactions in Spring

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Implementing Transaction Suspension in Spring

Implementing Transaction Suspension in Spring
by Juergen Hoeller

The Spring Framework, a popular Java/J2EE application framework built on a lightweight Inversion-of-Control container, is particularly well-known for its data access and transaction management capabilities. Spring's declarative transaction demarcation can be applied to any POJO target object, with the full sophistication of declarative transactions as found in EJB Container-Managed Transactions (CMT). The choices for a back-end transaction manager range from simple JDBC-based transactions to full-fledged J2EE transactions via JTA.

Implementing Transaction Suspension in Spring

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

TechCrunch » Blog Archive » Europe Shows Its Stuff: Innovate 2006

May 19 2006

Europe Shows Its Stuff: Innovate 2006
Michael Arrington

Dozens of (mostly) European companies showcased their new consumer web applications at Innovate 2006 in Zaragoza, Spain this week. As usual with conferences like these, the companies were young, rough and hungry. And I see a lot of potential with at least a few of them. I’ve summarized my favorites below and look forward to profiling these individually.

TechCrunch » Blog Archive » Europe Shows Its Stuff: Innovate 2006

TechCrunch » Blog Archive » Motionbox - Best Online Video Sharing So Far

There have been big changes in the online video space since I wrote a comparison post of the companies in the space (Flickrs of Video) last November.

Some things haven’t changed: Flickr still hasn’t released a video product, and YouTube (TechCrunch posts here) is still the reigning champ of online video with just massive traffic growth and mindshare.

But new tools are coming out to make sharing videos online even easier.

TechCrunch » Blog Archive » Motionbox - Best Online Video Sharing So Far

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Gliffy.com - Diagram and draw in your web browser

Draw share diagrams on the web

Gliffy.com - Diagram and draw in your web browser

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Google Operating System: How To Break Web Software

Friday, May 19, 2006

How To Break Web Software
Mike Andrews, a software security expert, was invited at Googleplex to talk about web applications security. The video [ 1 hr 26 min 38 sec] is a part of Google Techtalks.

Google Operating System: How To Break Web Software

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BigBlueBall Forums - Skype Introduces Real-time Voice Translation

Skype Introduces Real-time Voice Translation
Posted by Jeff | 05-15-2006, 03:00 PM |

Michael Arrington over at TechCrunch noted that Skype last week began offering real-time language translation services for Skype voice calls. The service is offered through a partnership with Voxeo and Language Line Services, and 150 languages are supported.

BigBlueBall Forums - Skype Introduces Real-time Voice Translation

That's a really interesting idea, it will be good to see if this takes off.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Max Kiesler - Round-up of 50 AJAX Toolkits and Frameworks

Round-up of 50 AJAX Toolkits and Frameworks

The following is a compilation of all of the AJAX toolkits and frameworks that I have either reviewed or have first hand experience with and would recommend. It seem like a new AJAX toolkit or framework has come out every week or so since the term AJAX was coined a little over a year ago. As a designer and developer I find these tools invaluable in the process of rapid web development.

Max Kiesler - Round-up of 50 AJAX Toolkits and Frameworks

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Max Kiesler - 60 More AJAX Tutorials

With the popularity of AJAX growing every day I've had the opportunity to collect and try out many more tutorials in the last several months. These examples and how-to's represent the best tutorials that I've personally used or otherwise had the opportunity to work with out of the overall group. This post is intended for individuals who learn best by example. Most of the listed tutorials come complete with instructions and source code. I've also categorized all of the tutorials for easy browsing. Enjoy!

Max Kiesler - 60 More AJAX Tutorials

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Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language. Writing dynamic web applications today is a tedious and error-prone process; you spend 90% of your time working around subtle incompatabilities between web browsers and platforms, and JavaScript's lack of modularity makes sharing, testing, and reusing AJAX components difficult and fragile.

Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language

OK if this does what it says on the tin (aka: In production, your code is compiled to JavaScript, but at development time it runs in the Java virtual machine. That means when your code performs an action like handling a mouse event, you get full-featured Java debugging, with exceptions and the advanced debugging features of IDEs like Eclipse).

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

blueprints: JavaScript Recommendations AJAX Component Writers

JavaScript Recommendations for AJAX Component Writers

Author: Greg Murray

With AJAX there are many choices on how to use different aspects of JavaScript. This document proposes some recommendations for developers creating AJAX components with a focus on using JavaScript on the client and Java on the server. Many of these recommendations will carry over to other server-side technologies.

blueprints: JavaScript Recommendations AJAX Component Writers

Excellent Coding standards advice about Javascript

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The Java Persistence API - A Simpler Programming Model for Entity Persistence

The Java Persistence API

- A Simpler Programming Model for Entity Persistence

By Rahul Biswas and Ed Ort,
May 2006

The major theme of version 5 of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE, formerly referred to as J2EE) is ease of development. Changes throughout the platform make the development of enterprise Java technology applications much easier, with far less coding. Significantly, these simplifications have not changed the platform's power: The Java EE 5 platform maintains all the functional richness of the previous version, J2EE 1.4.

The Java Persistence API - A Simpler Programming Model for Entity Persistence

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Monday, May 15, 2006

TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000 and Linux

T r u e C r y p t

Free open-source disk encryption software for Windows XP/2000/2003 and Linux

TrueCrypt - Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000 and Linux

Moving slightly away from the norm... I might give some sort of encryption system a go, even if just to encrypt passwords.

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Apple - Boot Camp

More and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major release of Mac OS X, Leopard, that lets you install and run the Windows XP operating system on your Mac. Called Boot Camp (for now), you can download a public beta today.

Apple - Boot Camp

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Sunday, May 14, 2006


java.net Spotlights


Spotlights on Java Projects

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Typetester – Compare fonts for the screen

What is Typetester?

The Typetester is an online application for comparison of the fonts for the screen. Its’ primary role is to make web designer’s life easier. As the new fonts are bundled into operating systems, the list of the common fonts will be updated.

Typetester – Compare fonts for the screen

Useful little web tool.

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Friday, May 12, 2006

TheServerSide.com Java Symposium-Europe - Barcelona, Spain - June 21-23, 2006

  • Building a Reliable Open Source ESB with Mule
  • Creating Grid-Based Data Infrastructures for the Enterprise
  • Developing in a Service-oriented World
  • How JBoss jBPM Integrates into your Java Project
  • Introduction to Seam
  • Messaging: A Flexible, Powerful, and Extensible Communication Model
  • Service Oriented Architecture Meets Web 2.0
  • Using Java Business Integration to Enable Composite Applications with ServiceMix
Case Study:
  • Banking/Grid: Case Study
  • Advanced AJAX Applications with DWR
  • Next Generation Mobile Java “On The Edge”
  • AOP - Ready For Prime Time: Applications For AOP Techniques in Real World Enterprise Applications
  • Building Reliable and High Performance Messaging Applications with POJOs and Apache ActiveMQ
  • Component Based Web Application Development with Wicket
  • Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP)
  • Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0
  • Flow with Continuations
  • Java Specialists in Action
  • JBossCache
  • JGroups: Building a Replicated Hashtable in 20 Minutes
  • Performance Anti-Patterns
  • Productive Coder
  • Ruby
  • Software Visualization and Model Generation
  • Compass
  • Dive into RIFE
  • Java Persistence
  • Spring Update: What's New and Cool in Spring 2.0
  • The Inner Workings of a "Clustered" JVM
  • Reconstructing XP: From Fragile to Agile
  • Turbocharging Development with MDA, Patterns, and MetaTooling
Testing QA:
  • Advanced Testing Techniques with TestNG
  • Beyond Java: Technologies to Watch
Web Services:
  • Secure and Reliable Web Services
  • Web Services Security using Java
  • Embedding Workflow, BPM and Orchestration in Java
Birds of a Feather Sessions (BOFs):
  • "Bottom 10" Reasons Agile Teams Fail
  • The End of Tier-Based Architecture

TheServerSide.com Java Symposium-Europe - Barcelona, Spain - June 21-23, 2006

Top 10 Cool Stuff Destinations at the 2006 JavaOne Conference

ArticleTop 10 Cool Stuff
Destinations at the 2006 JavaOne Conference
By John O'Conner, May 2006

Sessions in the Cool Stuff track at the 2006 JavaOne conference show you some of the most original Java technology available. And they have one thing in common: They inspire, motivate, and encourage innovative use of the Java platform.With at least 39 different sessions in the Cool Stuff category, you'll need to plan ahead to make the most of your time and energy at the conference. Helping to guide you through all that's available, here's my list of the top 10 must-see Cool Stuff sessions.

Top 10 Cool Stuff Destinations at the 2006 JavaOne Conference

Article Covers:

  • The Sun Grid Compute Utility (TS-1109)
  • Building Highly Dynamic Battlefield Network Infrastructure for Boeing U.S. Army Future Combat Systems Using JXTA Technology (TS-3527)
  • Java Technology in an Intelligent Swarm of Heterogeneous Lego Robots (BOF-0503)
  • Corporate Cola: Visualizing Your Email (BOF-0639)
  • Groovy = Java Technology + Ruby + Python for the JVM* (TS-3273)
  • JRuby: Bringing Ruby to the JVM Software (TS-3059)
  • High Performance: Writing a Sony PlayStation Emulator in Java Technology (TS-5547)
  • Transparently Clustered Spring -- A Runtime Solution for Java Technology (TS-3217)
  • Compile Time Assertions: Enforcing Extralinguistic Constraints (BOF-0723)
  • Squawk: A Java VM for Wireless Sensor Networks (TS-1598)

JavaBlackBelt - Java skills evaluation platform

JavaBlackBelt is a community for Java open source skills assessment. Everybody is welcome to take existing and build new examns.This is the place where Java developers have their technology knowledge and development abilities recognized. It is dedicated to technical quizzes about Java related technologies.

JavaBlackBelt - Java skills evaluation platform

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Spring: Data Access using O/R Mappers

Chapter 12.
Data Access using O/R Mappers

12.1. Introduction

Spring provides integration with Hibernate, JDO, Oracle TopLink, Apache OJB and iBATIS SQL Maps: in terms of resource management, DAO implementation support, and transaction strategies. For example for Hibernate, there is first-class support with lots of IoC convenience features, addressing many typical Hibernate integration issues. All of these support packages for O/R mappers comply with Spring's generic transaction and DAO exception hierarchies. There are usually two integration styles: either using Spring's DAO 'templates' or coding DAOs against plain Hibernate/JDO/TopLink/etc APIs. In both cases, DAOs can be configured through Dependency Injection and participate in Spring's resource and transaction management.

Chapter Access using O/R Mappers

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Spring 2.0 vs. the Anemic Domain Model

Spring 2.0 vs. the Anemic Domain Model
Posted by: Joseph Ottinger on December 13, 2005 @ 08:53 AM

In "Spring 2.0 vs. the Anemic Domain Model," Craig Walls discusses how the upcoming Spring 2.0 release might be able to configure beans after instantiation to help avoid anemic domain models. Craig shows a very detailed explanation of how the domain model might look.

Spring 2.0 vs. the Anemic Domain Model

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The Aspects Blog: Typed Advice in Spring 2.0 (M2)

January 18, 2006Typed Advice in Spring 2.0 (M2)I spent a few days last week working on argument binding in advice for the new aop schema and @AspectJ support in Spring 2.0. In this article, I'll explain how the new support works and how you can use it.

The Aspects Blog: Typed Advice in Spring 2.0 (M2)

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The Aspects Blog: A Practical Guide to Using an Aspect Library (part I)

February 20, 2006A Practical Guide to Using an Aspect Library (part I)This entry represents part one of a two-part guide to using an aspect library (with AspectJ). I wrote it in December of last year, and have been waiting to finish part II before publishing it. But I finally realised with everything else I've got on at the moment it's probably best just to make this part available anyway!

The Aspects Blog: A Practical Guide to Using an Aspect Library (part I)

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Otaku, Cedric's weblog: Learning to like early aborts

August 01, 2005
Learning to like early aborts

I am a big fan of single return point functions.

There are several advantages to this approach:

  • Clearer flow of execution. You know the final return result will be run, no matter what.
  • Easier to debug. I can set a breakpoint on the return and inspect the returned value.
However, I started questioning this habit in a particular case: when the failure in a condition should cause the method to abort right away.

Otaku, Cedric's weblog: Learning to like early aborts

I have to admit to sticking fairly religiously to Single return point functions, after reading the comments from so many people that favour early aborts - maybe I should reconsider my position.

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The Aspects Blog: The New Holy Trinity

March 05, 2005
The New Holy Trinity

No, this isn't a religious post. It's about an approach to developing applications. I'm not the only one advocating this approach, and I'm not the first to write about some of the ideas here. What I want to do in this post though is put all the pieces together in one place and boil the approach down to its essence to give you a simple way of thinking about it.

The Aspects Blog: The New Holy Trinity

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Clustering at the JVM Level to Maintain Business Logic Integrity

Clustering at the JVM Level to Maintain Business Logic Integrity

The typical three-tier architecture keeps the code Java developers need for clustering inside the business logic, making clustering a real chore.
Clustering at the JVM level makes Java applications easier to write and cheaper to run.
by Ari ZilkaApril 14, 2006

The way a typical three-tier architecture separates the concerns of data-management logic, business logic, and presentation logic makes clustering, the practice of deploying a single application on multiple machines, a laborious and expensive task for Java developers. (See Sidebar 1. The Typical Three-Tier Architecture.) With the separation structured the way it currently is, business logic currently includes the code required for clustering. Without a clustering plug-in at runtime, developers are left to cluster their own business logic, the frameworks they use, and in some cases, the container in which it all runs.

Clustering at the JVM Level to Maintain Business Logic Integrity

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Discover Seam and Sew Up Your Java Projects Faster than Ever

Discover Seam and Sew Up Your Java Projects Faster than Ever

In the tradition of Spring, JBoss offers Seam, which uses a declarative state model, extensive use of annotations, and two-way dependency injection to make automation of huge portions of your complex Java EE apps not just possible, but downright sensible.

by Mark Smith

April 24, 2006

Recently, a friend called to tell me about a huge turnout at an Atlanta JUG meeting to hear about a new product from JBoss called Seam. I went to my keyboard and after just 20 minutes of reading about Seam, I was very impressed. For starters, Seam is based on the lightweight standards in Java EE 5 (J2EE 3) like the new entity bean spec, JSF, annotations, interceptors, and session beans. Like Spring, Seam uses inversion of control but unlike Spring, Seam allows injection of stateful objects. Much of the data movement and framework/API manipulation work that enterprise Java developers have drudged through for 7 years disappears with Seam.

Discover Seam and Sew Up Your Java Projects Faster than Ever

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Spring, Hibernate, Ruby on Rails, iBatis, Eclipse, etc

This is just a collection of links I have come across tonight and enjoyed reading:

Rails 8 times slower than Java

Hibernate vs iBatis

AppFuse - Bringing together Struts, Spring, Hibernate etc...

Equinox - A light weight version of AppFuse

Info on Spring 2.0

Spring 2.0 treats

iBatis Feedback - with some interesting comments on Hibernate

What's on your bookshelf?

Tips on Using Eclipse

Massive Thread on Spring I've only read up to #193633... not even half way through - how can so many post so much in such a short space of time - and how did it take me so long to come across this article.

Note to self - go here more often

Enterprise Infrastructure > Operating Systems > ThinkFree Web app outshines Office

ThinkFree Web app outshines Office
By: Dennis O'ReillyPC World.com (US) (25 Apr 2006)

It sounds too good to be true: free word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation programs that are compatible with their Microsoft Office counterparts and that work in a browser.That's the promise of ThinkFree, a Web service that offers all this, and more. I looked at the beta of the new version, which debuts today, and despite a few features that aren't working quite right yet (such as downloading and sharing PowerPoint and Excel files), I'm sold on the service.

Enterprise Infrastructure Operating Systems ThinkFree Web app outshines Office

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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Exalead - For the media - FAQ Press

What does Exalead mean? The trademark Exalead is an association of the two terms "exa" and "lead"; these two notions are at the core of the exalead one:search platform.

Exalead - For the media - FAQ Press

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Sphere Blog Search » Solution Watch

Sphere Blog Search
Wednesday May 03rd 2006, 10:11 pm

Sphere, a new blog search engine has launched a couple days ago, along with $3.75 million in capital and has been quite the buzz the last few days. I have seen both good and bad commentary about Sphere so far and I too have mixed feelings about it so far. I’ve actually been beta testing Sphere for the last few months and immediately fell in love with it then, although felt it lacked some key features that Technorati has with statistics and related media. By time of the official launch of Sphere, I was happy to see that Sphere has definitely upped the functionality now including a great custom date range tool, related media searching, and a neat Featured Blog’s area for search results. TechCrunch has provided a detailed overview of features and feel that he’s covered the details for the most part. Because of this, I’m going to give a brief overview of its offerings as well as some details about my experience with relevance, speed, profiles, and statistics.

Sphere Blog Search » Solution Watch

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A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World: Unit Testing Database code using Hibernate and HSQLDB

Monday, May 01, 2006Unit Testing Database code using Hibernate and HSQLDBI read this article today called Unit testing hibernate with HSQLDB I found this article really interesting because I have been writing some database code recently and I am always concerned about testing methods and code that uses database code.

A Funny Java Flavoured Look at the World: Unit Testing Database code using Hibernate and HSQLDB

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hibernate.org - Common Problems

Hibernate Users FAQ

hibernate.org - Common Problems

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hibernate.org - Using GigaSpaces Grid based Distributed Cachings

Using GigaSpaces Grid based Distributed Caching

GigaSpaces Grid based distributed caching is a major component within the GigaSpaces Enterprise Application Grid-based (EAG) architecture.
It enables applications to reduce the access time to information that resides in the database by bringing the information to the local application memory.
The information is loaded to the cache from the database in an on-demand basis. The cache manages the local memory utilization and the consistency of that information.

hibernate.org - Using GigaSpaces Grid based Distributed Cachings

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hibernate.org - Sessions and transactions

Sessions and transactions

This page explains common techniques to deal with the Session and transactions in Hibernate applications. Refer to the Hibernate reference documentation and the "Transactions and Concurrency" chapter for more information. This page describes Hibernate 3.1.x and code shown here does not work in older versions.

hibernate.org - Sessions and transactions

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XFire: The easy and simple way to develop Web services

XFire: The easy and simple way to develop Web services

Expose your POJO methods as Web services

Ask .Net developers how tough it is to develop Web services. Amused by your question, they'll probably reply that the steps require less than a minute of your time. Ask a Java developer, and, chances are, you'll get a completely different answer. Five years have passed since Web services was introduced in Java. Yet it is still considered one of the newer technologies, a major reason being Web services are difficult to implement in Java. Now with the release of XFire, a new-generation Web services engine, that situation could change dramatically. Using XFire, you can expose your Java class methods as Web services without writing additional code. In this article, you'll see how XFire makes Web services development easy and simple.

(2,400 words; May 1, 2006)

XFire: The easy and simple way to develop Web services

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Enterprise Java Community: Hibernate vs. Rails: The Persistence Showdown

March 2005
DiscussionAnd the wires were all a buzz about Rails...
Much like a few other java folks, such as Bruce Tate and David Geary, I have been taking a look at a new web framework Rails. Of particular interest to me is its ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool, ActiveRecord. Since choosing a technology always involves opportunity costs of some kind, I have written this article to compare and contrast with another popular ORM tool, Hibernate. It summarizes what I've learned about Rails, mainly by stacking it up against Hibernate, a technology I'm very familiar with.

Enterprise Java Community: Hibernate vs. Rails: The Persistence Showdown

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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Configuration Management in Java EE Applications Using Subversion

Configuration Management in Java EE Applications Using Subversion
by Swaminathan Radhakrishnan

The most critical asset of any enterprise application is the data that it stores. Today's enterprise applications are often required to not just store data, but also keep track of all the changes that are made. This expectation also permeates into an associated set of requirements, such as tracking the reason for each change, the time of the change etc. In many cases, the data tracking requirements apply to data that applications store in the form of documents. Using Subversion can help satisfy these complicated, albeit common, requirements.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Mashup Matrix

Matrix showing mashups of combinations Web2.0 sites / services.

New Web Framework: Echo2, with Ajax-based Rendering

New Web Framework: Echo2, with Ajax-based Rendering: "New Web Framework: Echo2, with Ajax-based Rendering
Posted by: Tod Liebeck on March 24, 2005 @ 08:28 AM

Echo2 is a reinvention of the Echo Web Framework built around an Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) rendering engine. Distributed under the Mozilla Public License, Echo2 aims at providing a component-oriented/event-driven toolkit for developing web applications that approach the capabilities of rich clients."

see also: NextApp

NextApp Demo

Monday, May 01, 2006

Javalobby Readers' Choice: Top Java Books

Javalobby Readers' Choice: Top Java Books: "Javalobby Readers' Choice: Top Java Books

There are evidently a lot of high-quality Java and programming books out there which your fellow Javalobby members would recommend. If you began right now reading the cumulative 72,079 pages of the titles they have recommended, and if you read fifty pages per day every day, then you would finish reading this collection sometime in the middle of January, 2013! Of course, there’s some question whether all of this material would still be relevant by then, and there’s also the small issue of whether you’d really want to fork over the $5,238.66 this library would cost if you paid full price for every title. Thank goodness for Amazon, that 38% savings would really matter here!"


Yet more puzzlers

Yet more puzzlers

The javapolis puzzlers - well worth watching this presentation, for little things in Java that can catch you out. My favourite tip from this was the @override annotation in Java5 which I will start using all the time from now on!

Sun Microsystems Announces Open Source Enterprise Development Tool Project

Sun Microsystems Announces Open Source Enterprise Development Tool Project: "Sun Microsystems Announces Open Source Enterprise Development Tool Project

NetBeans Enterprise Pack Enables Developers to Customize and Contribute to Enterprise-Class UML, XML, and SOA Features
SANTA CLARA, Calif. April 11, 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW), the creator and leading advocate of Java technology, plans to open source major elements of the Sun Java Studio Enterprise -- an enterprise-class development tool -- as a project on NetBeans.org. This new project, which will be released as the NetBeans Enterprise Pack, continues Sun's mission of growth via sharing and participation."

Wired News: Ultimate Guide to Online Video

Wired News: Ultimate Guide to Online Video: "Ultimate Guide to Online Video

By 02:00 AM May, 01, 2006
What do you want to watch?

The answer used to depend on limits -- what day it was, what time it was, what channels you got. A handy little thing called TV Guide laid it all out. Television was a one-way medium - big broadcasters pushing content into our living rooms at a specific time and place."

Video on-line is definitely here now - and legitimately. YouTube lets you watch, lovefilm lets you download and even channel4 have an on demand service for LOST (first 2 episodes of Season 1 are free, the rest cost 99p).