Monday, May 01, 2006

Javalobby Readers' Choice: Top Java Books

Javalobby Readers' Choice: Top Java Books: "Javalobby Readers' Choice: Top Java Books

There are evidently a lot of high-quality Java and programming books out there which your fellow Javalobby members would recommend. If you began right now reading the cumulative 72,079 pages of the titles they have recommended, and if you read fifty pages per day every day, then you would finish reading this collection sometime in the middle of January, 2013! Of course, there’s some question whether all of this material would still be relevant by then, and there’s also the small issue of whether you’d really want to fork over the $5,238.66 this library would cost if you paid full price for every title. Thank goodness for Amazon, that 38% savings would really matter here!"


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