Tuesday, November 16, 2004



Network Computing | Operation Codename Generator: "Operation Codename generator:

You've heard all those great military code names for various missions, names like Enduring Freedom, Operation Desert Storm, Golden Pheasant. Well now you can use our interactive Codename Generator for your own IT operations. Don't settle for boring names like 'Verity Upgrade.' Try 'Infinite Justice' on for size and impress your coworkers with a name more fitting to your herculean task."

Other time-wasters:

Which File Extension are You? - Description of me (Apparently): You are .inf You are informative. When you are gone you make life very difficult for others.

Which OS are You? - Ah well - can't win 'em all - my OS description is: You are Apple Dos. Simple and primitive with a good understanding of the common man. You're still a work in progress, but a good start.

There endeth the time wasters.

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