Saturday, October 08, 2005

inquisitor ~ instant search

inquisitor ~ instant search: "Inquisitor is an instant search technology that takes the waiting out of searching the web. It is an AJAX-style web application that retrieves web results and suggestions as-you-type.

What does it do? Well, just try it! Type in a test search like 'iPod' and see what happens.

Please note, Inquisitor is a beta service. At the moment, the service works best with either Firefox, Safari, or Opera (or a derivative like OmniWeb or Camino). It does work (albeit limitedly) with that other unmentionable browser, but since Firefox rocks so much, you should probably just use that.

Since this is brand-spanking new, it isn't yet feature complete. Bear with me, please."

Wow! This is awesome!

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