Saturday, September 24, 2005 ONJava 2005 Reader Survey Results, Part 1 ONJava 2005 Reader Survey Results, Part 1: "Which IDEs do you use?
Top responses: Eclipse (76 percent), NetBeans (21 percent), None (17 percent), IntelliJ (13 percent)

We can leave the Eclipse-NetBeans rivalry to the marketers and bloggers and just note the fact that both of them are growing. Eclipse's popularity is up six percentage points since last year, and NetBeans is up two. The biggest drop is among those not using an IDE at all, down from 27 percent to 17 percent. Though one hardly expects NetBeans to change its marketing slogan to 'Better than Nothing,' it's clear that IDE-less developers are in a rapidly shrinking minority. Also shrinking: commercial IDEs. IntelliJ IDEA dropped three points to 13 percent, and JBuilder three points to eight percent, while Oracle JDeveloper held steady at five percent."

Some results from the latest OnJava survey.

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