Saturday, September 24, 2005

Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.3 EA1 New Features

Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.3 EA1 New Features: "Oracle JDeveloper 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) Early Access 1 marks a huge step forward for JDeveloper in terms of developer productivity, user interface and standards support. This document lists the new features in the Production release. This is not intended to replace the documentation for the product, but rather be your tour guide as you explore the many exciting new features. Note that features new since the preview release are indicated with: (new)."

Here are the key features I am looking forward to:

Team development with projects
Character Diff: The internal difference viewer now optionally supports character-by-character difference display in addition to line-by-line display.(new)

General editor enhancements
Multiple Clipboard Buffers: JDeveloper now supports multiple clipboard buffers via the Edit > Extended Paste command. (new)
Collapsible Code Regions: Code regions can be collapsed to hide the details in the code editor. (new)
Anti-aliased text support: The code editor can use Anti-aliased fonts for improved readability on some displays. (new)

Java code navigation
Code Highlight: JDeveloper will highlight the relevant source items (locations where an exception is thrown, instances of the currently selected variable or method, etc.) based on the current cursor selection. (new)
Hyperlink Navigation: You can now use ctrl+left mouse click to perform a goto declaration. (new)

Live Code Templates
Code Templates just got a whole lot more interesting! You can now define code templates with predefined hot-spots that you can quickly tab through when expanding the template. These hot-spots (variables) can take advantage of new utility macros to provide smart default values. For example, try typing fori followed by Ctrl+Enter in the code editor. You can edit or create new Code Templates from Tools > Preferences, Code Editor, Code Templates. Also, code insight is now available for the template names. (new)

Java Source editor conveniences
Automatic highlighting of current block's enclosing parenthesis or braces. (new)
Automatic imports on copy-paste: When you copy and paste code between code editors, JDeveloper automatically adds the required imports to the new location. (new)
Automatic indention: When you paste code, it is now automatically indented into your file. (new)

Debugger Improvements
Automatic Sequence Diagrams: JDeveloper can automatically generate sequence diagrams of you code as you step through it in the debugger. (new)

General XML Improvements
Simplified Schema Validation: An XML schema doesn't have to be registered with the system in order to validate an XML document against it. (new)

JSP 2.0 / Servlet 2.4
Struts Tiles support. (new) [I REALLY hope this include support for multiple tile defs].

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