Saturday, September 17, 2005

Using Annotations with Aspects in Pre-Java 5 Versions

Using Annotations with Aspects in Pre-Java 5 Versions: "Using Annotations with Aspects in Pre-Java 5 Versions
If you're interested in combining the power of annotations and aspects but can't yet move to Java 5, don't be discouraged; you still have robust options. Several AOP frameworks provide this capability today.

by Rod Coffin August 30, 2005

Aspect oriented programming's (AOP's) rapid rise in popularity inspires both fear and worship—and for good reasons—it's a very powerful software development technique that separates business logic from the infrastructure services that support that logic. In other words, AOP facilitates the centralization of concerns that cut across code boundaries, such as transactions, security, and auditing. Another compelling use of AOP is in leveraging aspects that enforce policies, such as programmatic security checks, rather than simply relying on programmers to adhere to coding standards."

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