Friday, March 24, 2006

Web Tier to Go With Java EE 5: Summary of New Features in JSP 2.1 Technology

Web Tier to Go With Java EE 5: Summary of New Features in JSP 2.1 Technology: "Web Tier to Go With Java EE 5: Summary of New Features in JSP 2.1 Technology

By Pierre Delisle and Jennifer Ball, February 2006

The main theme for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5 is ease of development. The platform's web tier contributes significantly to ease of development in two ways. First, the platform now includes the Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL) and JavaServer Faces technology. Second, all the web-tier technologies offer a set of features that make development of web applications on Java EE much easier. Some of these features are the following:

* A new expression language (EL) syntax that allows deferred evaluation of expressions, enables using expressions to both get and set data and to invoke methods, and facilitates customizing the resolution of a variable or property referenced by an expression
* Support for resource injection through annotations to simplify configuring access to resources and environment data
* Complete alignment of JavaServer Faces technology tags and JavaServer Pages (JSP) software code

In this series of articles, web-tier proponents at Sun introduce the new concepts that every web-application developer should be familiar with to get the most out of the Java EE 5 web-tier technologies. This first article in the series gives an overview of the new features introduced in version 2.1 of JSP technology."

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