Thursday, May 19, 2005

Sage -"Dion")

Sage -"Dion"): "Google has a tradition of reinventing a service that Yahoo! already has (Gmail, Maps).

I would be willing to bet that GPortal is around the corner. How will Google be able to reinvent that bad boy? This is where Ajax comes in."

UPDATE: Seems he was right see: Google Labs Project

See Also: Backbase and Ajax over at TSS

There is a thread going on over at TSS related to Backbase's release of a white paper about their AJAX tools. I will admit that the demos Backbase has up look impressive. One of the more interesting comments on the TSS thread is:

...AJAX is a pretty nice method for RIA implementation. But AJAX isn't a standard, and there isn't a standard RIA architecture that I'm aware of that employs AJAX. With commercial AJAX toolkits, tags and libraries coming out, will lack of standarization hurt sales? I was burned by the early Portal craze. I definitely see promise in AJAX, but will save my investment until all these commercial providers are able to standardize and play nice together.

I think this is a very valid point. Bloggers have gone crazy over Ajax the last few months. Ajax doesn't define a specific toolkit like Flex, Swing, or SWT though. We've already seen countless projects try to rebrand themselves as using Ajax. If you were to attempt hiring an "Ajax" developer today, what would you get?

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